Recommendation for TWU Racquet Measurements


Hi TW. So I love how you guys have been providing lab results on different aspects of racquet performance (power potential, twistweight, vibration frequency, etc). However, I think that these measurements can be a bit misleading, in that it seems like the racquets used to generate the official "TW specs" are not the same as the ones used for TWU lab measurements. My understanding is that the official specs for a racquet are based on an average measurement of several strung frames, while the TWU measurements are based on a single frame (and not one necessarily used to generate the "official" TW average). The "Racquet Power Potential" site on TWU lets us see the specs for the frame used for lab measurements, and sometimes the specs can vary quite a bit from the "official" specs. For example, the Head Graphene XT Speed Pro has an official SW of 323. The TWU spec, however, has a SW of 311. Not a small change, especially when measurements like power potential are involved!

So here's my recommendation, and I don't know how feasible it is. Maybe instead of giving the TW Professor a random sample of a racquet for testing, why not give one of the frames used to generate the average "Official TW Spec." Even better, provide the sample that is closest to the average spec. That way, the TWU measurements will jive much more with the specs people see on the racquet front pages.

Just a thought. Keep up the great work!