same grip and using same side of racquet for fh and bh


New User
hi , i recently practiced with a guy who uses the same grip for all his shots exceptthe serve.
he uses a western forhand for all his shots and the same side of the racquet to hit forehand and bachand , he even uses the same side for volleys and generates awesome topspin.
his volleys are incredible.

i tied it and it could volley great , why dont more people play like this ?, what are the disadvantages?


New User
I can see how this would work, although with the exception of the forehand volley.

If he uses a western forehand groundie, that would also be the eastern backhand groundie, which you can hit slice with, and backhand volleys, but I can't see how he hits a forehand volley with a western grip unless he hits all swinging volleys, but that doesn't seem practical.


I use a semi-western forehand, which becomes a nice grip for the backhand as well. No regripping needed.

I do switch to an Eastern forehand for vollies, as I haven't yet become comfortable with Continental at the net...


tennisboy21 said:
it looks good actually
I just don't see how turning that much into a backhand shot could look good. I use a sw fh and an ebh, and I always flip the racquet clockwise when I transition from a fh to a bh. Turning the handle counterclockwise just doesn't seem natural to me, let alone not turning the handle at all.