Should I switch from ncode95 16x18 to 18x20?


I just purchased the 16x18 after falling in love with the demo, about two weeks ago. And I'm loving every minute of the racquet. I had switched from a really old ceramic that was 16x19. And now I'm using a 95 with practically the same string setup, which means that they are so vastly diff. problems that I have with the 16x18 ncode that i never had with my old racquet is, I used to be able to hit really nice flat forehands. but my serve was weak, my backhand was weak, and my volleys were accurate, but weak. now with the ncode, i have more confidence and strength with every aspect of the game, except that my forehands are no longer flat, and require more topsin, and the volleys are a little inaccurate at times. oh, backhand slice is a little harder too.

so my question is, should i switch to the 18x20 ncode95? what other differences would i see between the two other than the stuff that's on the tw website (more control, less lively). the say the "feel off the strings" between the two is quite different. anyone know how they feel different? also, will i have a whole lot of trouble using topspin if i switch to the 18x20? Thanks for any advice.

Richie Rich

the 18x20 string bed will feel stiffer than the 16x18 at the same tension. You will get more control and the flatter forehand with the 18x20 but you can still get lots of topspin. I noticed the biggest difference is on my 2nd serve - the 18x20 doesn't kick up as high.

I prefer the 18x20 version of this frame. The 16x18 was just too lively and had a way too open string pattern for me. I was hitting moon balls on my groundies b/c of the open string pattern. If you use a 17 or 18 gauge string you will get some nice playability and your strings will last longer too on the 18x20 frame. That's just me so try it out for yourself when you can get it.
