Something to keep me cool during summer


New User
Went looking for something to help keep cool during the hot daytime matches. Found FroggToggs cooling wrap. It is made of chamois material with dimples. Holds cold water for a short while. Then it just becomes something hot on your back or around the neck. Ended up using it to dry water off the car after a wash. Tried neck ties, crystals of something in a cloth that expand and hold cold water for a short time, then it catches sweat and just gets hot and hangs around the neck. I think the best thing I have come up with is a hand towel soaked in cold water. I can wipe my face, neck, arms, etc or wrap it around my neck. Perhaps the first two are good for yard work or walking, but not for heavy sweating and hot temps.


get a water mister, spray it on your face, dampen your drifit shirt a little bit.

evaporation is a VERY EFFECTIVE way to cool yourself.