Stubborn butt cap removal I need help!


Trying to get butt cap (not just trap door) all the way off of a current Head Speed MP. I've done this any number of times but I've not seen four staples so deeply imbedded. I don't want to ruin the pallets (don't care about butt cap) but I can't slide anything in to get any leverage (mini flat screw drivers and all my awls) so I am at a loss. Can't imagine a heat gun helps but I'm open to any and all ideas!


Hall of Fame
Don't worry about slight pallet damage. You can easily fill those spots. Get something thinner and sharp and get it under that staple.


Pry open the trap door and stick one blade of a long nosed plier into the handle with the other blade on the outside of the handle. Then use the blade inside the handle to push the staples out being careful not to bend the legs of the staples. Once you get them started you can go back to prying from the outside.


Talk Tennis Guru
Get a “sturdy awl” from a hardware store. One that has a slightly widened tip and made from hardened steel so it won’t bend. Then just slide the awl between the pallet and the buttcap plastic, push it far enough to reach under the staple, to dislodge the staple. Once it goes under the staple, then you can use the awl to pop out the staple easy from outside of the plastic.

This method is foolproof and easy. Doesn’t require much force because you increase your leverage.


Went to the store and picked up a Stanley Classic 99 fixed blade knife and it did the job but not before a coupla pieces of blade were gone. Those were some really stubborn staples!