Suggestions for a new racquet welcome!


Hi everyone...I've got a query re new racquets. I was an NCAA Div I player about 10 years ago, and had to give up playing after elbow reconstruction. I've recently begun playing again, and want to update my equipment. At the time I was using Prince CTS Synergy DB26 mid-plus, and now want something that's easy on the arm, and offers the manoeuverability needed for an aggressive all-court style. Any suggestions? Thanks!


Try the Pro Staff Triad (or what ever it was called), it's essentially a pro staff with a comfort feature. Or you can try the Head Protector but I don't think it's a player's racket. Yonex RDX is good too if you are a hard hitter (which I assume you are?) because it's very flexible and forgiving.


That PS Triad was not very arm friendly and it's been out of production for a couple of years.

Try something relatively heavy, head-light, and flexible. Some sticks that get a lot of recommendations are the Pro Kennex 5g and the Volkl Tour 10 (there are several varieties of the 10).

The Volkl V1 also gets a lot of love here for being arm friendly, but has none of the characteristics I listed above so who knows.

There are lots of threads to search on this.


I was thinking either

- Dunlop 200G
- Yonex RDX 500

They don't have any dampening features but they are very flexible, which gives a forgiving feel. You will also have to swing very fast and long to get pace.


pro kenex? Well i had a angle racket. I know it may sound weird but they are VERY easy on the elbow. I bought mine from a friend who purchased here on tennis warehouse. Let me go look for the link