Tennis Elbow with double handed backhand?


New User
I am pretty sure I have tennis elbow. I've been reading threads and articles online. I used to play one handed backhand but I switched to two handed around 8 months ago. About 2 months ago I started playing with Kblade tour and immediately started feeling discomfort in my left hand (Im right handed). My left forearm gets very tight after the game.
Have you known anybody that got TE on left hand (right handed player). I did overuse it since I was hitting lot of backhands against ball machine to ramp up my two handed backhand. I play with luxilon power rough at 50lbs. Now my elbow hurts even if I play with my previous racket (Kfactor 95).

Will adding some lead to kblade help? I am also planning to switch to NXT strings. I play much better with Kblade even though Kfactor 95 makes it easier on the arm.
Do elbow support really work?
Does adding overgrip help? Kblade leather grip feels very hard.