To lovers of 6.0 85 and ncode 90


New User
Hi guys.
When I switched to a Tour 90 I got a shoulder problem which I never had with a Prostaff 6.0 85. For me a Tour 90 seems much havier. So the question is, how a Ncode 90 feels if it compare with a 6.0 85?

Thanks for any help.


It's tough to tell whether nCode is easier on the shoulder then Tour90. Eventhough nCode is closer to the 6.0 swing and static weight wise the three racquets are not far from each other. Perhaps Tour90 is 'just' above the 'limit' for shoulders, perhaps your shoulder. I'm sure there will be more people commenting on this, those with more experience with nCode then me.
The most important thing here, though, is really not the racquet, but your recovery. Depending on how far along you've gotten with the injury you should take nessesary steps to let your shoulder heal. Strengthen it and increase flexibility to prevent future injuries. Regular strength exercises with stretches from then on is a good idea too.

Just my 0.02$.


I've played all three. And if I was blindfolded I would have time telling which is which. Don't know anything about shoulder problems, though.


I've never had any problems with the tour 90 and shoulder problems. My tour 90 is actually lighter than my PS 85 (not by much) and I use the tour 90 on my off days. I haven't hit with the nCode 90 yet, so I can't compare it to the PS 85.


New User
I haven't tried the nCode yet, but I do own a Tour 90 and a PS 6.0 85. They're both actually pretty easy on the shoulder so long as you have a pretty smooth service motion. The weight may be causing some initial strain on the muscles, but after a while, that goes away. Strangely enough, I have a smoother and better serve with my Tour 90 than I did with either of my previous racquets (PS 6.1 Classic, PS 6.0 85).

I think the best course of action would be to probably do some working out to build up some strength and flexibility in the shoulder, and also maybe check out other similar racquets to see if it's the weight/stiffness/balance, etc. that may be factoring in.


New User
Thanks a lot guys I really appreciate your advises.
You are right that I have to try one of the Ncode 90 and I really proud of you because you can handle Tour 90 without any problem.

See you on a court!!
I've used the PS 85 since I was 14--about 17 years now--and I've looked for a slightly more comfortable raqcquet for the last 4 or 5 years. I owned a pair of Tour 90s for about 9 months and just recently picked up the nCode 90. The nCode is far and away the easiest of the the 3 racquets, in terms of both swing and forgiveness. It's super comfortable and has a buttery feel. I found the Tour 90 not to my taste, and having owned all 3, I think the nCode is the true heir to the PS 85. I'm not giving up my PS 85s, but I think the nCode is the way to go as I get older--there's just absolutely no stress on my arm or shoulder with this stick, thanks in part to its gigantic sweetspot.