Want to learn how to string

I was recently given a Babloat Star 3 stringing machine from a freind who upgraded to a star 5. He lives in New Mexico and I am in Pa so it is unlikely he could show me what I need to know.

How can I learn to string properly?



New User
Best thing do to is, go to a club and watch a good stringer for a few frames. First few times doing it yourself are going to be pretty tedious, but you'll get the hang of it.


If you are going to learn to string, you may as well learn properly. Find a well respected and established USRSA stringer in your area and pay for lessons. Your machine has cost you very little, if anything, and investing in the proper training is money well spent.
Stan - you are correct thank you for the advice I have found someone in my area and will start taking leasons from him Monday.
