Warming up and cooling down


Would like to know some of your methods for warming up as well as cooling down for a school project. Cheers :)
The USTA has the following description on static stretching and dynamic warmups that is concise and states the general principles:

"Strength & Conditioning: Dynamic Warm-up and Flexibility Training - http://www.usta.com/Improve-Your-Ga...ning_Dynamic_Warmup_and_Flexibility_Training/

If you have been to sport science presentation lately it is likely that you have heard some information about dynamic warm-up and flexibility training. This is an area of training that is receiving more and more attention in the sporting community and many of the conclusions that have been drawn about this type of warm-up are directly applicable to tennis.

Dynamic warm-up and flexibility training is an essential element of any pre-practice or pre-competition routine and helps prepare the body for the demands of today’s tennis game. An effective warm-up does five very important things for tennis players.

1. Increases body temperature allowing muscles to work more efficiently.
2. Gets the heart and lungs ready for vigorous activity.
3. Stretches muscles actively, preparing them for the forces experiences during tennis.
4. Engrains proper movement patterns and the coordination needed in tennis.
5. Wakes up the nervous system and gets the brain talking with the muscles.

A dynamic warm-up, which involves stretching with movement, accomplishes all of these tasks.

Pre-practice and pre-competition warm-up routines have typically focused on static stretching. While this type of stretching is still important for maintaining flexibility and joint range of motion, it really should be performed after play, not before practice or competition. This is a new way of thinking about stretching and flexibility, but recent research has shown that static stretching can reduce the force and power the muscle can generate and that this impaired function can last for over one hour."

Tennis trainer/former bodybuilder has this description of a dynamic warm up at her tennis site:
Best Dynamic Warm-up before a Tennis Match http://www.examiner.com/article/best-dynamic-warm-up-before-a-tennis-match

Here is her regime of stretching after tennis practice:
Static Stretching Routine After the Tennis Practice http://www.examiner.com/article/static-stretching-routine-after-the-tennis-practice

Here's former pro Jeff Salzenstein's dynamic warmup:
Tennis Training: Dynamic Warmup http://vimeo.com/18183640

The USTA has a free downloadable document that is extensively referenced - a valuable adjunct for your school project.
A Comprehensive Review of the Literature
- http://assets.usta.com/assets/1/dps/usta_master/sitecore_usta/RECOVERY PROJECT FINAL.pdf

However, in a quick skimming, I did not see specific information on the dynamic warmup.

There was information you can gain going through this on the "cool down":
"A post exercise cool down may be beneficial in reducing the sensations of
stiffness and soreness which are often associated with lactic acid build up and
thixotropy. It has been shown that a “cool down” or recovery activity can return lactic
acid values to pre-exercise levels38 and change the feeling of muscle stiffness.
Studies have also shown light exercise and ice are more beneficial than ice alone in
reducing lactic acid as well as increasing range of motion39. Ice should not be used
unless inflammation or injury is present. It has been demonstrated that the
application of ice on the dominant arm of overhead athletes decreases shoulder
muscle strength, proprioception, and accuracy of throwing40, 41. Therefore, the
application of ice in between same day matches is not recommended unless
inflammation or injury is present."
- p. 151

I don't know how many scientific studies you want to include in your project.

pubmed.com from the US National Library of Medicine and and National Institute of Health allows you to extensively search for scientific studies.
For example here is the beginning of the 172 articles on
"dynamic warmup":
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed?term=dynamic warm up&cmd=correctspelling

[You can change the search term to "cooling down" for scientific articles on that subject.]

I have always thought that the problem with static stretching before playing was that the sarcomeres were "streched" (at least for an hour or two) beyond the optimal length for interaction between the acin and myosin fibers:

If you find additional information this during your research, could you post your findings and educate me?