What to do in Austin & San Antonio for Camping, Lodging & Fun?


New User
I'm heading down to Newks tennis camp the first full week of March and then hanging around for a week thereafter. Little did I know Austin, where I'm flying in, is also hosting one of the biggest music festivals in NA. (!) So, I'm thinking of skipping the city altogether as the sheer numbers of people/events is too overwhelming to think of (not to mention the lack of hotels to stay in!).

Anyone have any ideas of where to stay, what to do, and where to camp in the area and whether San Antonio is worth a visit?


Well, the lack of a hotel room can be a problem, it's true, but you'll be missing out if you skip Austin, it's a fun city. Not that San Antonio isn't fun, but there is more to do in Austin. I'm not sure what you mean by camping ? Do you mean with a tent and sleeping bag, etc ? You might want to check out Krause Springs in Spicewood, I was there yesterday and it's fantastic. Also Canyon of the Eagles in Burnet, if you want something a little more upscale. Since you are going to be in New Braufels, you could also check out the town of Wimberly, which is pretty nice. If you want to see some good tennis, come to Austin to check out the USTA National 30's hardcourt championships at Westwood Country Club.

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