Why can I only play with Yonex Super Grab/Wilson Pro Overgrip?

The only overgrip that I can play with that doesnt make my hand slip at all is Super Grab and Pro Overgrip.
Why is that?
When I am trying my friends racket that has a Tournagrip on the handle my hand slips like HELL! I have to hold the racket so tight and hard that I am getting serious cramp.
Why cant I play with Tournagrip? Is my hand dry or anything?

Share your knowledge!


I find SuperGrap to be tacky enough but not too much, same for cushion. For me it's one of those "just right" kinda feel. Tournagrip felt a tad chalky, and not enough tack. Still very good though. I wish they would make them in different colors. Yeah, the blue is kinda signature for them.


Is it a new tournagrip that you are feeling or used and abused? I liked tournagrip(non-tac) when it had slight moisture on it. It doesn't feel as flaky.