Wrist /shoulder friendly rackets?


New User
I play with the pt630(pro supex spiral flex,60lbs),but starting to have a few pains in my wrist and shoulder(have had previous surgery on both).Don't want to switch rackets unless i have to,since i love the pt630.I played with the AK90 until recently,but missed the ability to hit hard flat forehands,so bought the head.
What other rackets are good players rackets(90-100sq inch)that might be easier on my wrist/shoulder?(P.S,i don't get tennis elbow or any elbow rel problems)
Appreciate any help

robby c

I switched to thinner 17 ga string at 3-5 lbs lower tension. Also, I try to alternate days of play.


I play with the pt630(pro supex spiral flex,60lbs),but starting to have a few pains in my wrist and shoulder(have had previous surgery on both).Don't want to switch rackets unless i have to,since i love the pt630.I played with the AK90 until recently,but missed the ability to hit hard flat forehands,so bought the head.
What other rackets are good players rackets(90-100sq inch)that might be easier on my wrist/shoulder?(P.S,i don't get tennis elbow or any elbow rel problems)
Appreciate any help

In as much as you can determine arm friendliness in a racquet, your current frame is already right up there. The qualities you usually look for (solid weight, relatively low flex, etc.) are all there. That means there may not be that much you can do, and switching racquets may not help.

So it's time to try one or all of the following:

- Lift weights to work on the joints in question. There's no better way to address joint pain in previously injured joints than to undertake a serious and consistent program or physio therapy. It's not the answer most people want to hear, because it's not instant, easy or "sexy", but it's the best one.

- Have a qualified pro or sports physiologist analyze your strokes, especially your contact point to see if a correction can be made

- switch to the softest string you can find (you're already playing with a moderately soft one, but there are even softer).

- Give your joints a rest

- Either demo other flexible racquets with a wide variety of weights and balances, or experiment with lead tape placement to see if you can find a setup that takes some stress off the joints. Usually, pain is about the timing at contact.


LPShanet is completely right. I used to have the exact same problems as you. Shoulder and wrist pain from previous injuries and never had tennis elbow. I'd recommend a lot of physical therapy. Here's a link that shows some exercises:


The shoulder one is missing one important exercise for tennis. Get a resistance band and shut one end at the top of a door. Shut the band further in the door for more resistance. Wrap the other end around your hand and replicate your service motion with your arm straight so your shoulder is doing all the work. I do 150 reps with my first serve stance and another 150 reps with my second serve stance. I'm using a black theraband and only have about one and a half feet sticking out the door. I walk a ways forward to more pretension on it too. You have to work your way up to that. It took me several months, but it's worth the effort. You have to keep doing the exercises a couple times a week to keep the strength and flexibility up.

Your racket should be fine. There isn't really any modern racket that would make a night and day improvement over the one you're using. There are more arm friendly ones that exist, but that one is a pretty good one. I'm not familiar with the string you're using, but I'd definitely recommend natural gut. The looser the tension, the better. You may have to adjust your game, but your wrist will thank you later.