Anybody else thinks Obata Saori is hot?


She's alright, but I dunno about haaaaaaawt.

But she looks good here

And what is it with Japanese female tennis players and retiring early? Kimiko Date retired at 26 and Naoko Sawamatsu quit at 25. Musta found some hella rich husbands...

Frodo Baggins

Whats Hot?? An Whats Cute?? Could you please explain please this Defintion of Hot an cute?? >what makes a girl Hot in your Opinion?? An Cute in Another?? (Don't lie Either)!!!:)


Whats Hot?? An Whats Cute?? Could you please explain please this Defintion of Hot an cute?? >what makes a girl Hot in your Opinion?? An Cute in Another?? (Don't lie Either)!!!:)

Hot is what you might see on the runway. Or on the cover of playboy. There is an implied air of unattainability.

Cute is your next door neighbor. That girl that sits close enough to you in english class so that you can't really concentrate. Someone you may have a fighting chance of scoring with. In other words, a real person.

I for one, prefer cute to hot.


She is a left-handed pro tennis player who just retired at 28. I personally thinks she is the hottest female tennis player ever.

hottest ever? If you are comparing her only to other tennis players I guess she would be above average, but to nontennis playing asian females average in looks at best.


Not hot. Maybe cute, but not very. Where did her butt go? Hot is a girl you want to tear apart. Cute is a girl you want to be gentle with.
Did you guys see the latest episodes from the show "Heroes", they have a Asian dude getting it on with a Hot blonde chick, Now i am all for this type of thing since we are getting more and more progressive toward interracial dating but if you are going to have a Asian dude with a Hot blonde, please use a good looking dude like Bruce Lee, this dude is a Fat Nerd boy, it doesn't look very good on TV..........

Golden Retriever

Hall of Fame
Did you guys see the latest episodes from the show "Heroes", they have a Asian dude getting it on with a Hot blonde chick, Now i am all for this type of thing since we are getting more and more progressive toward interracial dating but if you are going to have a Asian dude with a Hot blonde, please use a good looking dude like Bruce Lee, this dude is a Fat Nerd boy, it doesn't look very good on TV..........

Bruce Lee is only 5ft6 and he is also dead.


The thing with asian babes, are that no matter how hot yours is, there will always be a hotter one.


The good ones are well-bred/rich that are already taken while the ugly ones... are the smart ones who get scholarship/ have some money to study in the US...
I have never seen a HOT asian girl in the USA.... EVER ( I have been here for 9 years).

Only in the Thai Soap Operas.... *sobs*