Word of the day


A couple more words I came across in a detective fiction.

Rebus- in this case it was carvings on a tombstone-
a rebus is an artistic device or, often, a puzzle where images are used to
stand for words or syllables- in this instance the tombstone might have
been carved with a fish and a kettle to indicate the person was a fish monger
or, perhaps, named Fishpot. Sabrina the teenage (TV show) witch used a rebus to
solve the "family secret".

Cynosure- is a person or thing that becomes the center of attention or admiration.
Serena made such a fuss during the match that she became the cynosure for sixty thousand eyes.


A couple more words I came across in a detective fiction.

Rebus- in this case it was carvings on a tombstone-
a rebus is an artistic device or, often, a puzzle where images are used to
stand for words or syllables- in this instance the tombstone might have
been carved with a fish and a kettle to indicate the person was a fish monger
or, perhaps, named Fishpot. Sabrina the teenage (TV show) witch used a rebus to
solve the "family secret".

Cynosure- is a person or thing that becomes the center of attention or admiration.
Serena made such a fuss during the match that she became the cynosure for sixty thousand eyes.

I like how you're almost single-handedly keeping this thread alive and would like to see more oddities like these two. Non-American/British posters might be flummoxed by the likes of "crepuscular," "mirthless," "sine qua non" (which I just happened to use last nite, go figure), "chagrin" "sangfroid" and "dystopia," but they aren't exactly word-of-the-day material for college-educated Yanks.


Bionic Poster
Hula hoop

The concept of the hula hoop has been around for centuries (500 BC or earlier). In Australia they had been made out of bamboo. The modern hula hoop was supposedly patterned after the Australian hoop

The Hawaiian Islands had been the go-to place in the late 19th century (my ancestors arrived in the 1880s on sailing ships). After WW II, as commercial air travel was becoming more common / popular, there was a resurgence of interest in Hawaii -- particularly in the late 1940s and throughout the 1950s. The Portuguese ukulele had already come to be regarded as a Hawaiian instrument. And Portuguese sweet bread was being marketed as Hawaiian sweet bread.

Wham-O, a popular US toy company, jumped on the Hawaiian bandwagon and marketed a plastic version of the hoop as the Hula Hoop in 1958. It reached fad status in the late 1950s thru the 1960s. Note that the Hawaiian Islands had been a territory of the US since the closing years of the 19th century. A year after the Hula Hoop was released, Hawaii became the 50th US state. Thank you, Wham-O.
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Frotteurism -- The tendency to seek sexual arousal by rubbing up against strangers seemingly accidentally in crowded places. It has become decidedly unfashionable during the pandemic.

Mike Bulgakov

Frotteurism -- The tendency to seek sexual arousal by rubbing up against strangers seemingly accidentally in crowded places. It has become decidedly unfashionable during the pandemic.
I'm glad I didn't know about this word and fetish when I was on Tokyo subways.




American frotteurist Lizzy Grant wishing her subway was more crowded.



Bionic Poster
Frotteurism -- The tendency to seek sexual arousal by rubbing up against strangers seemingly accidentally in crowded places. It has become decidedly unfashionable during the pandemic.
Ah yes, related to the word, frottage. Sometimes confuse this with the word, fromage (cheese). And then there's the possible discharge that a guy might produce after engaging in the act of friction = frottage fromage.

Is there another word of the day when a dolphin engages in frottage with a human?


Internecine- means mutually destructive to both
sides of a conflict- like war or a family dispute.

Artifice- a cunnig trick or ruse.

Ziggurat- a structure like a pyramid, but "stepped"
with each ascending level smaller than the one below.

Ennui- an overall feeling of emptiness, listlessnes,
disconnectedness with the world and others.

Luddite- in general, a person who resents "progress"
through machinery or industrialization as the cause for
unemployment, distress.

Eidetic- having the ability to retain a vivid, clear image/memory
of anything once seen or experienced.


I forgot this one-

Fungible- refers to something contracted for or bought
that is not unique- for example, you ordered a watch
from the Mega-Watch company, they sent you one of
their 10,000 identical watches.

Non-fungible refers to something unique- like a custom
built (one of a kind) house or yacht.


A few more words from the same thing I've been reading lately.

Vestige- a trace of something that is dissapearing/vanishing (last vestige of civilization)
a smallest part of something (lingering vestige of compassion)
part of an organism reduced to uselessness through evolution (the appendix)

Congenial- person or situation that is agreeable/pleasant (person with a congenial personality)

Factotum- person who does or is responsible for all kinds of work (a general factotum, doing
everything from making coffee to writing contracts)

WOD- acronym- wet or dry, weapons of destruction, warlords of Draenor, world of dance,
wings of destiny, word of day, world of Disney, world of debt, wall of death, war on drugs, women of distinction...


Bionic Poster

For the CrossFit crazies:
WOD = workout of the day

For the rest of us:
WOD = women of delight, waiting on decision, warrant officer disciplinary, Worlds of Discovery (from Sea World), warriors of destiny, weekend of debauchery, world of dungeons (online game), wholesale operations division (Anheuser-Busch), web object definition, workspace on demand, world osteoporosis day, ...


Pedestrian- person who walks/strolls- or something drab, dull, plodding.
Yes, he drove an expensive car, but his thoughts were, nevertheless, pedestrian.

Salubrious- wholsome, healthful, pleasant.
They moved out of the city- seeking a more salubrious lifestyle.

Cerulian- sky blue
The sunset was like scrambled eggs thrown onto a cerulian sky.

Bamboozle- to fool, trick, cheat, hoodwink, dupe.
It is often easier to bamboozle an adult than a child.

Coctile- made from baking or exposure to heat- like the
clay of tennis courts.
Clay courts are made from coctile bricks which are then crushed
into a powder.


Smithereens- small bits and pieces- blown to smithereens.

Aglet- the metal or plastic end on a string or shoelace.

Doppelganger- a double or look-alike who could be taken for a twin
(evil twin?). Woody Allen did a joke about trying to phone his doppelganger
and always gettig a busy signal.

Supine and prone- supine is laying face up, prone face down.

Akimbo- hands on hips and elbows outward. When mom stood, arms akimbo,
I knew we were in for a lecture.

Troglodyte- cave dweller, cave man, somebody who seems almost proud of his ignorance.

Uncanny- strange, mysterious, unsettling.

Alfresco- in the open air, outside (especially when eating). Since the pandemic, we have been dining alfresco.

Clerihew- sort of like a Limerick, but with four lines (two rhyming couplets) usually mocking some
famous person-

Johann Sebastian Bach
Was fond of saying "Ach!"
Instead of saying "Guten Morgen"
He'd play his Toccata and Fugue on the organ.


Credenza- a sideboard or cupboard for storing dishes and serving buffets.
Word comes from credence, belief- from when the nobility had someone taste their food
before dining, to prevent poisoning.

Esoteric- having to do with obscure or specialized knowledge.

Hoi polloi- the masses or common people, plebeian.

Mollycoddle- pamper, overindulge, spoil.


Enervate- to sap ones energy, weaken, drain. The humid heat will enervate the fittest player.

Crucible- a vessel for melting materials at very high heat, also an extreme test, severe trial or ordeal.
the five set match was a crucible, testing the spirit of the two players.

Flounder- to struggle, stagger clumsily, to show mental confusion, also a fish.
when the tele-prompter failed, he floundered, having lost his train of thought.

Founder- to sink, collapse, fail. The talks foundered when it came to the division of money.



An adjective referring to anyone promoting conformity of belief or behavior at any cost.

From the Greek myth- Procrustes captured travelers and placed them on his bed. If
They were too big, he lopped off the overhanging parts, if too short, he stretched them to fit
Describes big 3 fan boys perfectly.


Well, when you consider that humans and fruit flys share 60% of the same exact DNA
(and I cannot tell one fruit fly from its brother), it is not surprising that in the entire history
of human life there are so many look-alikes.In the small town where I grew up,
there was another guy who looked very much like me,
we were the same age and both played tennis, and were often confused.
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Bionic Poster
Well, when you consider that humans and fruit flys share 60% of the same exact DNA
(and I cannot tell one fruit fly fron its brother), it is not surprising that in the entire history
of human life there are so many look-alikes.In the small town where I grew up,
there was another guy who looked very much like me,
we were the same age and both played tennis, and were often confused.
I have also seen my own doppelganger once. Saw him at my fitness club and I had to make sure it was not a mirror I was looking into. Did a double take cuz the resemblance was uncanny. However, when I got closer, I noticed that he was an inch or too taller than I am.


Rumbustious and rambunctious mean essentially the same thing. Can't decide which I prefer.

Well, most people don't wear the same tennis shirt every time,
so I think we can, likewise, use whichever word we like- to suit our mood.
(rumbustious, I think, is used more often in England).


Rumbustious and rambunctious mean essentially the same thing. Can't decide which I prefer.

Almost, well not almost- actually, by accident, I came across
Pernickety and persnickety,
which mean the same thing- fussy about trivial details, finicky.
Pernickety, is used more in England- the other, here, in the US.


Augur, divine, forebode, prognosticate, bode, prophecy, soothsay, sibylic, mantic- just a few
words related to those who profess to predict the future. Below are some words for techniques/medhods used
in such hariolation.

Aeromancy- from the state, quality, direction, smell... of the air.
Anthropomancy- from an examination of human entrails.
Cartomancy- cards- tarot.
Ceromancy- from designs formed from melted wax dripped into water.
Crystal gazing- self explainatory.
Genethlialogy- from the position of the stars (heavenly bodies) at someone's birth.
Halomancy- by salt.
Horoscopy- from a diagram of the stars/planets.
Hydromancy- from tides, water, liquids.
Keraunoscopia- from thunder.
Myomancy- from the movement of mice.
Necromancy- from communication with the dead.
Oenomancy- from properties of wine, especially color.
Oomancy, eggs.
Oneiromancy- from dreams.
Ornithomancy- from the flight of birds.
Palmistry, chiromancy- from reading the lines/marks in ones palm.
Pedomancy- from the soles of a persons feet.
Pyromancy- from fire.
Rhabdomancy- by rods, wands, sticks- divining rods- dowsing.
Scapulimancy- from shoulder blades.
Sorcery- from communication with spirits.
Tasseomancy- tea leaves.
Theomancy- from divinely inspired oracles
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Synchronicity- a simultaneous occurance of events that appear to be related- but that have no discerniable connection- as in the psychology of Carl Jung and Police record album.

Serendipity- chance, fluke, luck- events (often unsought for) that by chance turn out in some beneficial way. It must have been serendipity that having a
flat tire made me miss that tragic airline disaster.

Stoic- from the philosophy of Zeno- a stoic person does not allow himself to be overcome by strong emotions or desires and takes a reserved, unemotional view of life.

Spartan- showing indifference to comfort or luxury, leading a frugal, austere, even harsh lifestyle- like the Greeks from Sparta.

Paradigm- a typical example, pattern, archtype or model for something- an accepted or standard way of thinking about something. During
a recession, economic paradigms begin to shift.

Obliterate- wipe out, utterly destroy, erase, annihilate, blot out. He wished he could obliterate all memories of his former girlfriend


Anomalous- inconsistat with or deviating from the normal or expected, unusual. The
experiment was generating amomalous results.

Bibelot- a small decorative ornament or trinket that may have some value- while a gewgaw is worthless or useless.

Interminable- endless, never-ending- an interminable discussion about wrist motion during the serve.

Doobry- something you forgot the name of and substitute some replacement word, thingamajig, whatsit, whatnot,
thingy, doohickey, whatchamacalit.


Some monsters

Frankenstein" Monster- Was "born" a blank slate, but rejected by its creator and subjected to human cruelty
swears revenge on mankind.

Mr. Hyde- Is the embodiment of repressed desires and impulses that must be kept hidden to exist in society.

The Krell- (Forbidden Planet), were not so much monsters, themselves, but sort of like Dr. Jeckyll (above) created
an instrument for transforming thoughts into actualities, thereby releasing the unconscious (id) and destroy their race.

Pooka- (Celtic lore)- a shape-shifter, usually taking animal form and causing mischief.

Chimera- mythical fire-breathing creature formed from parts of other animals- Lion, goat, snake.

Basilisk- legendary serpent capable of causing death by its stare.

Djinn- Mythic creatures of Arabian folklore, resides within inanimate objects and delighted in punishing humans
for real or imagined slights.

Furies- Greek myth, 3 creatures that exacted divine retribution on wrong-doers.

Please feel free to add your own favorite monster/creature.


Some literary words

Euphemism- a milder, less offensive, or indircect way of saying something- like "passed away" rather than "died".

Hyperbole- exaggerated statement for effect- I could eat a horse!

Oxymoron- a figure of speech using seemingly contradictory terms- we were alone together.

malapropism- the humorous misuse of an incorrect word for a similar sounding, correct, word- I owe money to the infernal revenue system.

Spoonerism- accidentintly transposing the (usually) beginning sounds of adjacent words- our Lord is a shoving leopard.

Eponymous- a word or thing that is derived from a person's name- Molotov cocktail, Zeppelin.

Bathos- is a sudden shift in style or mood from the sublime to the ridiculous- It was a new day of hope and wonder, I thought, as I
watched the sun rising in the East like a big red gumdrop.


Slang terms for body parts

The head- Cabbage, melon, cabeza, belfry, kopf, pate, dome, bean, loaf, coconut, nut, noggin, crown, noodle, brain bucket.

The nose- Schnozzola, beak, bill, proboscis, snout, honker, snoot.

Feel free to add to the list- feet, legs, stomach, hands, etc.
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Odd/interesting sounding words

Nosegay- a small bunch of pleasant smelling flowers.

Gnarley- very good or excellent, dangerous and exciting, also- bent and twisted.

Phlegm- thick mucous coating as when you have a cold.

Dongle- a small device tha plugs into a computer to enable wireless reception.

Flummery- insincere words or behavior, empty flattery.

Confabulate- talk, converse- also to fill in gaps of memory with fabrication.


Bionic Poster
Pooka- (Celtic lore)- a shape-shifter, usually taking animal form and causing mischief...
Not a "monster" word, but Puka also shows up English dictionaries and appears to be a valid Scrabble word. Pooka is sometimes an alternate spelling for Puka.

TMK, it is a word borrowed from Hawaiian around the 1970s. The most common usage of puka, in Hawaiian, was to mean hole or opening. With this definition, it could be a very versatile word. Pani ka puka could be used to mean close the door, shut (your) mouth, cover the hole, etc.

Puka, in Hawaiian, also refers to a type of shell or a necklace made from those shells... puka shell, puka shell necklace. These necklaces became quite popular in the 1970s. This is undoubtedly when the word became known to many English speakers. From Webster's:

Puka - n. a small, usually perforated, wave- and beach-polished shell fragment formed from the spire of a cone (genus Conus), found along beaches of Pacific Islands, and used especially to make necklaces
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