Post your Celebrity Crush


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Whoever infiltrated Scott Baio's soul when he sang "You Look @ Me" to Erin Moran in Happy Days...something's were made to last.

In terms of "crush's" though, Anne Lookhard from Battlesheep Galactica or whatever, was pretty spicy hot muffin cake sausages kinda sexy if you ask me. When I first saw her in Boff Rogers in the something Century, or, I knew she was beautiful. The episode was called, I dream of Jennifer? I think, not really sure, but she also guest starred on Knight Rider at least once that I know of, and twice on Murder She Wrote, that I'm sure of, and once on Happy Days...not that I was keepin' tabs or anythin'...but, WOW! !!! + ! That's the best eva right there, done deal, end of story...and a pretty nice person to once she simmered down with age, so that's good to know. I always knew Joanie's soul was more pure than Scott's, and a better voice too. He always looked like a horny womanizer to me...and what about Mario Lopez?

Yeah, but that's different. He's like Safin, you can tell the soul's GREAT. He told Simon and Demi trying to one up one another for no particularly good reason, other than...that, hey! (...even though u're the boss), come on, this is people's *lives* you're dealing with...mercy, not pity, whose going home? Whose dream is squashed, let's just get this over with. I always knew he had a big grin, but an even bigger heart...he can't help it if he makes all the women horny for him. I like him, but not in that way.

This is how u win any chic...

...convince them, you'll stay. She married a Walmart dud, not very smart, but for sure beautiful...can't nobody take that way from her, no way, just the motor home. They don't make 'em like her anymore, couldn't someone have thrown her a bone, and made her an executive of something, or something? Not even a hot dog cart? *Honey paw dawg,* that's all I have to say 'bout that. It goes both ways. Bcs. I'm still kinda into a Anne Lockehart, I guess that's a crush to be proud of...yes, indeed, I'm kind of proud.

Anne Lockehart
Charles Grigssby
Sergi Bruguera

Done deal, end of story. I'm pretty loyal that way. The rest just suck, sorry, but it's true.