Alternative to starting clamp?


Hi all,

I've been thinking about trying the ATW stringing pattern, but I don't have a starting clamp and don't want to spend ~$30.00 to get one. Does anyone substitute an alternative, cheaper tool for a starting clamp?

Any input or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks.
You don't need a starting clamp to string an Around the World pattern. A starting clamp is used (by some, not myself) in place of a starting knot when stringing 2 piece. ATW is a one piece string job, so no starting clamp is necessary.

Hope this helps.


That link says you do need a starting clamp for the ATW pattern. I'm not really sure how to do the ATW without a starting clamp or a flying clamp in lieu of one.

Wilson95, I would say just go ahead and buy a starting clamp. It's great to have in a bind. I got this one from Eagnas for $15.
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Thanks LttlElvis. I was reading that link, and it sure does look like you need a starting clamp. However, do you know of any cheaper alterntives?


Adjunct Moderator
Yeah, you need a starting clamp or a floating clamp to do that one. I would invest in a starting clamp, it is really a life saver sometimes.



New User
I also have the Eagnas that I purchased for $15. It makes the stringing experience A WHOLE LOT EASIER. Other floating clamps just dont do the job like the starting clamp.
My bad, Wilson 95. I just posted that link without checking if you needed a starting clamp. I guess I should have looked for Dan Craig's ATW pattern. I don't ever use a starting clamp, so anytime I string one piece/ATW I don't even think about it. Sorry for the confusion...