Any info on my racquet? Wilson Reflex 8.5si (95 sq. in.)


New User
I was wondering if anyone has any information about this racquet. It's a Wilson Reflex, 8.5si Stiffness Index, 95 sq. in. head. I actually found it more than 10 years ago in the trash can; someone threw it away just because the strings were broken. It's currently the racquet I enjoy playing with the most out of all the few that I've owned, including the PS 6.0 95. It uses Wilson's old Stiffness Index rating, and according to what I've researched, 8.5 appears to be pretty flexible. It's hefty (weighs 360g stock on the scale), has excellent feel to it, has very little power and a small sweetspot. I was looking for another one online, and actually found a few people who are selling it. One said that it retailed for $149, and is selling it for around $60. I don't know if it's worth it for such an old, unknown racquet, but I like it a lot and just might get it. I can't seem to find any info on it, and was just wondering if anyone knows anything about it. Maybe there's an old Wilson database on the Internet somewhere?

Here are some pictures of a fairly new one with the original grip:


New User
Yeah, 57 seems to fit the racquet; 8.5 stiffness index is the highest I've seen.

I'm just curious as to the specs; maybe I can call Wilson and ask them?


I used to play with a PS 95 7.5 in the old days, a blue racket. Very head light, weighed 330 or so, and had an even lower flex of 55..


New User
I see, but if that's the case shouldn't 8.5 be even more flexible?

I've been demoing a few new racquets lately, but still like my Reflex. I guess it's grown on me too much. I do want to try some "newer technology", so I've been looking for a similar racquet that's head light, heavy, and flexible. One racquet that The specs on the Prince NXG Graphite Mid seem to fit that (though it has a 18x20 pattern), so that's one of the ones on my demo list. Also going to try a Diablo Mid.