Are the Angell frames similar to the Donnay X-series?


As in thin beamed, low powered? I'm interested in the frame but I'm an older player that needs some mass in the hoop.


Nothing is quite as thin beamed as the x series. That said, I have, and use, the x-dual gold and black 99/94 on occasion.
IMHO, the Angell has more in common with the Pro One (older pre-reincarnation) than the X series.
TC 97 is definitely stiffer all over than the X Gold/Black and has more pop. Foam filled so the feedback is similar, but I think you'll be much happier with the ball action.


New User
Having owned and played with a thin beamed Donnay and also currently Angell TC 97 and TC 95(63RA) I feel that the Angells are more solid playing rackets. Both Donnay and Angell are smooth but the Angells provide more pop and are definitely more stable on volleys at least in my experience. The 63RA TC 95 would get you closer to the thin Donnays in terms of flex but the feel of the Angell is more solid though flexible. A demo would give you a better idea. Angell has a partnership with a company in the U.S. now where you can obtain a demo racket. Also with Angell in the UK you can order custom frames with the weight, balance, flex, grip shape, etc. that fits your needs at the same or lower cost of the high volume racket companies. (


The Donnay X Duel Gold 99 with added customisation kit including the 10g butt cap and slide on weights and a leather grip will bring your strung weight up to 365 grams which I thing you would agree is more than ample for you.


Angell frames are not that low powered (at least TC95 63RA I've had the courtesy to play properly with). They offer quite an ample power for a players type frames plus flex is extremely uniform without any hotspots or surprises. One of the very few frames solid enough that I could play(and did play) a competitive match with it stock (I have lead added at 3/9 even on my Yonex Tour G 330 for instance).