BACKHAND SMASH!!! uhh... opps?


I need HELP with my backhand smash. Any tips are welcome. When i hit the backhand smash i'm always told i take the racquet back to much but i don't understand how do you get the ball where you want it and not just dink it back. Most of the time i hit the ball it doesn't have much power or sails long. (Then again there was this one time that i jumped up and tried to do a backhand smash and miss hit it into the other net persons face. I was like uhh... opps??lol


Hall of Fame
Take the racquet back and bend at the wrist - Hit up and out in front of you so your wrist is straight at contact and follow through straight out (do not bend the wrist to try to slap the ball down or you will hit into the net.


New User
As stated before, take the racquet back early (but not too far) and step into the shot.

If this is a blind shot, and you can't see your target, then just aim safely and hope that you can hit a good volley on the next shot. If you can run around and hit a forehand smash, then by all means do so.

I continually see people hit this shot late or get too wristy with it. Keep a firm grip and never go for too much. If you are at the net, then use the angles-- you don't need pace at the net.

On the rare occassions that call for pace, you can either add some wrist (and snap) or use your other hand for leverage.

fuzz nation

When you go for that shot, you can take your grip a little beyond continental toward eastern backhand so that you can power through the ball better. Since it's not a reaction volley, you'll often have time to make that quick adjustment.

I love to get a quick step back behind the ball and whup over the top on my bh side with a two handed swipe. Experiment with this if you can - I worked it out on my own and I can really pez the ball with good accuracy with this shot.