I have researched some postings here and on other websites and I find some conflicting information on what the height of a ball toss should be on a Topspin or Kick serve. Note: I am not talking about ball location, i.e. toss more over your head at 11:00 to get topspin, etc. I am talking about the ball toss height. I have read that on a flat serve that the ball toss should be tossed to the tip of your extended racquet and a few inches more so that the ball makes contact in the sweetspot. Now, to do a topspin/kick serve some say that the ball toss (granted tossed more over your head) should be lower than a normal flat serve. Again, I am talking ball height not placement i.e. overhead at 11:00 for ex. Other sites say the ball toss on a topspin and kick serve should be higher than a normal flat serve. Do anyone have any info on this? P.S. every tidbit I find on a slice serve says that the toss should be lower than a flat serve so I find no conflicting info here.