Ball toss too low


Is there any cure for frequently tossing the ball too low and wristy toss arm? I'm paranoid about tossing the ball too high and it will come down too fast for the hit. Also, should you hold the ball at 6 o'clock or hold it like a cup to avoid spin? Thanks!


New User
I have the same problem as well, but another problem is that whenever i try to toss a ball at the one o'clock position, the balls tends to fall back to the 11 o'clock position....what is causing this?

golden chicken

Hall of Fame
frequently tossing the ball too low makes you speed up your service motion. you have a worse problem than you would if you tossed it a little too high and it started coming back down. you want to try to toss so that it stops going up right where you want to make contact, to about 6" higher than that.

some players (like steffi graf) have insanely high tosses. theirs go like, 15 feet over their heads. this is "too high" for most people. others toss to around 7 feet above their heads. this is "ok" if that's what you need to get your serve at full extension in time, but like i said before, the ideal is to toss around 3-4 feet above your head.

the best cure for that is practice practice practice. "how?" you might ask? well how tall is the ceiling in your house? somewhere between 7 and 8 feet? if so, i've found that the best way to practice getting a consistent ball toss is to kneel (both knees) on the floor and toss the ball up towards the ceiling. you might sit up a little if your ceiling is higher or sit on your heels if your ceiling is a little lower. try to get as close to the ceiling as possible without touching it.

now that we have a drill for you to practice, we need to make sure that you're tossing correctly. the simplest way to avoid "wristiness" is to straighten out your arm and swing it upwards from your shoulder like a pendulum. don't bend your elbow or wrist.

when you hold the ball, you should not cup your hand so that the ball sits in your palm. instead, you should curl your fingertips around the ball so that it rests at the base of your fingers where they meet your palm. your thumb tip should support the ball and keep it from rolling down into your palm. hold the ball as gently as you can without letting it fall.

good pic of how to hold the ball:

as you swing your arm upwards, uncurl your fingers from the ball just as your hand reaches shoulder height. if you need an image, think of a blossoming flower or the top of a fountain. you might have a little spin. that's okay.

golden chicken

Hall of Fame
ong1 said:
I have the same problem as well, but another problem is that whenever i try to toss a ball at the one o'clock position, the balls tends to fall back to the 11 o'clock position....what is causing this?

you're probably letting go too late or you're not uncurling your fingers fast enough or you're leaning backwards when you release. i've seen all three.