Calibrating Klippermate

SW Stringer

How come auto mechanics often have the worst cars? Your personal use does matter, or you wouldn't have bought a stringer and figured it out. Lasdj, thanks again for the thread!

I got my calibrator today. Some measurements, actual vs kmates:
64.6 70
59.1 65
54.5 60
49.8 55
45.4 50
40.7 45
36.1 40

I would say that generally everything done on the machine was just under 5 lbs light. Again, nothing against the Klippermate, just nice to know that I have been running poly at 45.4 reference tension, although my racquet recommends 55-60, and I dropped the range 10%. Oops, make that almost 20%. Trivial stuff, since everything is relative and I (and my friends) will use the same machine forever...

Good work there TenniseaWilliams. I plugged your data into Excel's linear regression function and got: y = 0.93857 * x - 1.59286 ; where y is the actual tension, x is the reference tension. So for someone who insisted upon a "calibrated" tension, just plug in for y and solve for x - voila! However, to be positively anal about the analysis, you'd need to develop the same sort of chart for the digital scale using "certified weights" as mentioned in a previous post.


At least the Klippermate is consistent between their own machines. It's not like one machine is too high, and another machine is too low. Maybe they did this, like I said before, to match spring lock tensioners ie. Ektalon/Prince which were the standard 25 years ago.