Chris/2015 PD+ set-up.


Trying to switch to this racquet also and would like some info on your set-up, what has and hasn't helped, if you would please. Thanks.

TW Staff

I have kept mine stock so far as weight/balance is concerned. We did match them, but two were spot on already and one required only a smidgen of weight to bring its swingweight up a few points. I'm about to start my second low tension experiment in one having had good success on a previous try. However, most of the string testing I've been doing with them has been in the 52-54 lbs range with co-polys strings. Rather than going higher than that I'll have the string pre-stretched if it proves too lively at 54 lbs.

I really enjoy this racquet in stock form so have felt absolutely no need to customize it at all. I just love the easy power and spin. It really allows me to focus on moving the ball around while I let the racquet do the work. I'm playing very consistently with it and I love having the added power on tap when I want to rip a shot.

Have you had much court time with the PD+ yet? Let me know your impressions and I might be able to help you dial it in to best suit your needs.

Chris, TW


I tried it stock coming from a PC 95+ and naturally it felt a little flimsy. I put 4" at 3-9 and thought it was way better. So I went overboard, put a Wilson shock shield grip and doubled up on the lead and it felt very nice. The added weight increased the power tho and everything was going out. I guess my biggest problem is I'm trying to play with Origin @58/56 because I am, well old !! I will be interested to hear your results on the low tension experiments as that was going to be my next step also. You're the best as always, thanks again.

TW Staff

The low tension didn't go well. At 35 lbs the racquet was buzzing too much. There's a tension where all racquets will do this so hopefully I can tune it out. My next attempt will be at 30 lbs.

I tried Origin at 65 lbs in a Prestige Classic 600 and while it felt very dead in a 93 18x20 racquet, it was still plenty comfortable. You could try it at 62/60 lbs to deaden the response a little. Likewise using a poly cross would firm it up and help you to get the ball to drop faster -- all that weight plus the inherent power of the racquet = a lot of push. Easy depth and pace, sure, but then getting the ball to drop becomes the issue.

Chris, TW