Chris - Weiss Cannon Ultra Cable vs. Cyclone tension?


Hall of Fame
Hi Chris,
As the topic indicates, if I'm stringing with Cyclone 17 @ 53 lbs. What tension would you recommend with WC Ultra Cable 17 for similar power? Also, given the additional spin of the WCUC, could I string a little lower in general, compared to Cyclone? Will that additional spin bring the ball down into the court a bit more?
Thanks, Paul

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TW Staff

Unless you plan on pre-stretching the Ultra Cable I would not drop the tension. I love the playability of Ultra Cable but it does drop tension faster than Cyclone. I'm thinking about the long term playability of it in your racquet and with that in mind you should expect a noticeable tension difference in about 5 days if you had both strung at the same time/tension. I've found Ultra Cable to start giving me a loopier shot once that occurs with the possibility of the ball flying longer than intended.

You can fix that with a pre-stretch. If you choose not to, you might want to consider going up a pound or two. Initially the string is going to play deader, but after a couple of hits it will even out and power/depth should be very comparable to your Cyclone.

I hope that helps.

Chris, TW