Which would be more durable? A full bed of synthetic gut, or a synthetic main and poly cross? Would the poly cross notch the string quicker and make it break faster?
Which would be more durable? A full bed of synthetic gut, or a synthetic main and poly cross? Would the poly cross notch the string quicker and make it break faster?
Think it depends on which poly you're using. There are certain polys that are textured which will eat up the synthetic and make it break faster. If its a real slippery poly it might last longer
I always used poly mains and synthetic crosses. That felt pretty durable to me.
Like above, it really depends on which poly you use. If you're going to use a textured one that's super sharp (Dunlop Black Widow), it's just going to saw through the synth.
A full bed of Gosen Micro is pretty durable for a synthetic. Did you give that a shot yet?
I always used poly mains and synthetic crosses. That felt pretty durable to me.
Like above, it really depends on which poly you use. If you're going to use a textured one that's super sharp (Dunlop Black Widow), it's just going to saw through the synth.
A full bed of Gosen Micro is pretty durable for a synthetic. Did you give that a shot yet?
Ok, so my best bet is to just try it out and see. I am breaking the mains of the full Syn bed so it probably would not be even with a first gen poly like Polyon.
I have tried a full bed of Gosen Micro. I don't exactly like it as a Syn Gut. I prefer the Forten Competition Nylon better because it is softer, mushier(?), and not as crisp. I don't want to go down to 15L though, so I may just be sticking with it. Thanks guys.