Help!! Volkl C10 Pro

Michael Moss

New User
I just recently swithced from the Yonex Rd-7 to the C10 Pro, and although the C10 feels great and hits great, the grip is mind- boggling in a bad way especially for serves. Any suggestions on how to make a Volkl grip somewhat "normal"? It almost feels like the stick is lop-sided when I'm holding it for serves....I think Head grips are similar to this as well....Please Help!!


New User
Michael, I should have asked you about the grip before I sold you the racket, but I figured you must have hit with it before and must be aware of the Volkl grips. Volkl and Head grips are particularly rectangular in shape, as opposed to more squarish for all other manufacturers. I actually had to take out my customizations from the grip before shipping. Here is what you need to do.

Take off the grip, you will notice that the face of the grip parallel to the head is longer than the others, this is the one you need to build up. Measure the width of this side. Now cut 4 layers (that's how much I use, you may have to experiment to find out what works for you) of head tape, long enough to go from the butt cap to the top of the grip. Now stick them one on top of the other (don't stick them to the racket yet this needs to be done on a flat surface such as the kitchen counter) now cut one side off so that the width matches the width of the handle face. Here's the most important part, when you trim the edges (yes both edges need to be trimmed) make sure you cut them at an angle that is about the same as what the adjacent side makes with the long face. I roughly cut them at about 45 degree. Now take this 4 layer stack of head tape and put it on one of the longer faces of the handle, repeat the process for the other side. When putting the head tape on the handle I included the but cap as well because I have to feel the but cap for my grip. The only side effect of this process is that no matter how careful and accurate you are you will inevitably end up with some degree of rounding of the bevels. When I say rounding I mean you will not be able to feel the bevels the same way you would on a Wilson or a Prince.

Don S

Michael, I'll admit it I don't mind the rectangular shape of my C10 s and Tour 10 mids. I've been playing with them for so long I guess I just got used to them. The Head PT280 has, I think, even more of a pronounced rectangular shape than the Volkls do. I hit very flat so I think the shape helps me square up the racquet face even though I probabily don't even think about it when I'm playing.