Higher Racket Weight = Higher Tension?


Hall of Fame
Is there a general tendency to string heavier rackets (static weight as well as swingweight) with a higher tension?
HEftier rackets come with more free power, and higher string tension could prevent from having too much power and at the same time increase control?

As in a other thread I am currently having problems with testing multis to have too much power on my racket. My Ezone 98 is 346g static weight, and I guess it must have around 322-326 SW.
My normal setup is to string my rackets with 22-24kg. But of course also the hot weather at the moment could be the turning factor.
What is the general idea about my concept?


Correct, I find that I need to string multis between 25 to 26 kg on my RF97 to tame the power. I could probably string them higher but I prefer to avoid injuries.
Rackets get more powerful with static weight, swing weight, stiffness, head size.


Yes, you will have more free power if your racquet speed remains the same. You can increase the tension of your multi, try switching to a different multi that is more controlled, or hybrid with a polyester.


I thought Head Rip Control or Velocity are already quite controlled…
Rip control is in one of my rackets strung at 55 lbs. I tend to overshoot with it even though it’s not powerful because it has very little bite on the ball, very difficult to produce spin with it. I would probably string it lower next time to get more pocketing.


I thought Head Rip Control or Velocity are already quite controlled…
I never played with rip control before but velocity is quite controlled for a multi. Nowhere in your initial post said you are using these strings. Velocity plays well at 25-26kg if you want to try bumping up the tension. That’s the first place I would start.