How to make Multifeel 17 More Spin Friendly

My current set up is Multifeel 17 50lbs Main and Forten Sweet 17 42lbs cross on one of my IG Extreme 2.0. Honestly I feel this setup is the least spin friendly among all my other setups. It happened a lot during match that I missed more 2hbh approach shot into the net, forehand passing shot into the net, or kick/topspin serve into the net. I feel that Multifeel is just too sticky that it limits the snapback.

I will probably change the set up with my next string job. What do you guys recommend? A full string job of Multifeel 17? Or choose a more slippery synthetic gut as cross ? I can even consider to choose a slippery soft poly as cross. Or use Multifeel as cross (I have several sets of cyclone 18 & 18L that can be used as main)? .


you could try isospeed cream as a cross, which is a very soft, slippery poly with good tension maintenance.
poly mains multi crosses isn´t very spinfriendly because the poly doesn´t slide on the multi


Talk Tennis Guru
A strings spin characteristic is relative to the string to ball friction, the string to string friction, and the stiffness of the string. There is not much you can do to change MultiFeel 17's spin characteristics without changing the string's other characteristics. For instance increasing tension will make the string stiffer but at the same time increase the string to string friction as well as the DT of the string bed. You will have more luck IMO changing to a string with a higher string to ball friction, lower string to string friction, and a higher stiffness.

EDIT: You could use the Compare String Tool ( to identify the characteristics you may like.

EDIT: Tecnifibre sells MultiFeel and Red Code Wax in reels to their distributors for hybrid stringing. If you were to use the Compare string tool and compare Forten Sweet 16 to Pro Red Code you'll see PRC 17 should produce mire spin. But at the same time you're changing the play characteristics of the racket. But changing the cross would be less drastic than changing the main.
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Thanks guys. I will probably only use Multifeel 17 as a practice match string, as I know for a lot of shots which requires extra spin such as passing shots or topspin approach shots (especially when the incoming ball is low), I need to bend my knees more. I can't afford any laziness with my footwork when playing with multifeel. At least Multifeel is very comfortable and it sounds great (very crisp sound).


If you still want to trial, use Babolat SpiralTech. It has a pretty slippery coating, but begs the question on longevity. When Babolat use to offer N.VY, that was a very nice slippery SG cross. Your other option is to lubricate the stringbed between sets since the coating does not last long on either the Multifeel or Sweet. 3 cents.


Multifeel's coating is kind of gummy. If you want it to slide well, I would recommend stringing a full bed at 1 lb. lower tension and inserting Babolat Elastocross string savers.


I use tf multifeel 16G mains with kb max power 17G (smooth stiff copoly) cross a lot and I like it. I also use tf nrg2 mains with kb max power crosses too. I have 16x19 volkl sg 10 295 with added weight and string at 52m/48x in hot weather and will drop down 2 to 4 lbs in cold weather. Spin and feel are very good to me. I think the nrg2 has just a little more feel and power but spin is about the same. Some don't like multi mains with copoly cross because of durability. But, with the smooth copoly cross, I get about 10-15 hours before it breaks or is notched so much it is about to break. The hybrid last about the same amount of time as all multi for me. MF an NRG2 both rate high for maintaining tension as does kb max power so they work well in a hybrid. kb max power is STIFF so I never string it above 48 lbs.