Hyper G - MSV Focus Hex - Toroline Caviar


Hey everyone,

Has anyone tried these strings below:

Hyper-G 16L (1.25)
MSV Focus Hex 17L (1.18)
Toroline Caviar 1.20

Been trying to do some research to see which I should buy a reel of. Have read some good reviews on them all.
Toroline and MSV are slightly ahead for me just because they are cheaper.

Any feedback is appreciated.
-msv is old school poly, provably the stiffer of the bunch, but good string non the less
-solinco is second in stiffness, and yes they tend to muck-up/confuse the gauges, so buy by the "mm" not the "g", they play too much with the numbers, but they are popular
-toroline, is the new kid on the block (this year, i guess?!?!), seems/feels like a soft poly to me

-btw, always buy a pack and test, before you commit to a reel!


Agree with previous posters, HyperG has a bit more power and pocketing than Foxus Hex but Focus Hex for SURE lasts longer and has a nice crisp feel to it. Last time I used Focus Hex was at 48lbs in a GSP I think