i have specs for fish's racket and gonzalez's racket

Jay Welvaert

New User
Hey, I was just at the tennis masters series in cincinatti. I got to hold mardy fishes racket and gonzalez game my friend his racket.

Fishes racket weighs around 13 ounces. His coach told me that they customize it for him. He strings his racket at 55lbs. with alu power(blue) in the mains and babolat vs. touch in the crosses, both at 55 lbs. He also puts his name on his racket on the red part on the throat.

Gonzalez also strings his racket at 55 lbs with alu power, he uses around 7 inches of lead tape at the 3 and 9 o'clock area, and he has a 4 3/8 grip size with one over grip.

If you have any questions about what tension and string the other pros are using feel free to ask.

Thanks, Jay


Mardy's racquet does weigh about 13 ounces, but it is also 28 inches long, and the headsize is 95 instead of 98 sq in. The balance is 32.5 cm, the flex is 66 RDC, and the swing weight is 357 km x cm2.