Ideas for a league registration system?


Does anyone know of a good system for handling online league sign-up? Something where captains could:

1.) sign up for a local league - No money transfers since league fees are paid in Tennis Link.

2.) The captains would automatically be added to a group email distribution list. General info emails could also be sent to the distribution list.

3.) The captains would be able to see each other's contact information, but their email address and phone number would not be available for public viewing.

I'm thinking that there has to be some free (or inexpensive) service out there that would help with this process. Our local coordinator handles league sign up manually, and he's looking for a better system. I told him I would check with TT members and see if anyone had ideas.

Deleted member 293577

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I checked out Tennispoint, but it's too expensive. I was thinking something along the lines of a shared google doc as a sign-up sheet, but I'm not sure that would work for about 200 teams. What we're looking for is a way for teams to sign-up/register with the local coordinator. Then once all that is done, the Tennis Link team numbers can be assigned and it's all Tennis Link from there.