Was just curious was to watch you guys thought? I went along to men's night at my club which is a decent level the best player there is by far the head coach who played at county level.
Last night we had this 15 year old kid who he trains, join us as a one off, his ball striking was awesome beautiful one handed backhand loads of top spin on the forehand.
Most of us play decent and can barely get a game off the coach but this kid played him and beat him 5-3 and was dissapointed to lose 3 games.
We asked the coach in the bar after just how good he could be, he said he is a very talented ball striker but in his opinion isn't a good enough athelete to make it.
He said that the kid could be him in real tennis, because the game has moved on (my coach 40) so he can knock him off the court with power.
But my coach added that the kid cant beat him at mini tennis because that requires great movement and flexibility.
My question is if he has so much natural talent, which he appears to and I appreciate that he can improve as an athelete (although it didnt look obvious that he doesnt move well)
Is being a better athelete something that a kid of 15 can improve if he has the natural talent as a ball striker or is it something that as my coach says because he lacks it he will not be able to go pro?
Last night we had this 15 year old kid who he trains, join us as a one off, his ball striking was awesome beautiful one handed backhand loads of top spin on the forehand.
Most of us play decent and can barely get a game off the coach but this kid played him and beat him 5-3 and was dissapointed to lose 3 games.
We asked the coach in the bar after just how good he could be, he said he is a very talented ball striker but in his opinion isn't a good enough athelete to make it.
He said that the kid could be him in real tennis, because the game has moved on (my coach 40) so he can knock him off the court with power.
But my coach added that the kid cant beat him at mini tennis because that requires great movement and flexibility.
My question is if he has so much natural talent, which he appears to and I appreciate that he can improve as an athelete (although it didnt look obvious that he doesnt move well)
Is being a better athelete something that a kid of 15 can improve if he has the natural talent as a ball striker or is it something that as my coach says because he lacks it he will not be able to go pro?