Is most tennis instruction completely wrong-headed?


Ran across this slo mo, which shows how well Agassi pulled "up and across" on
hit driving Fhs.

the vid should start at 17secs, but it is the 18th sec where you can see the hand
work strongly across.
(use the space bar to start and stop the vid...2 real quick taps used several times will allow
some still views moving thru that 18th sec)

Notice the chair in the background and how the hand is working to your left as it aligns up
with the ball, then right before contact, the hand starts to move all the way across the chair
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Better strokes (technique), better tactics, and better conditioning will improve your results.

YES...I think I've said this once or fifty times. LOL. Good point made.

And on the same vein, you can't create a lot of variety in tactics, or create more effective tactics if your strokes only allow you to hit certain shots in any given situation. A player who typically has very good form can hit angles, depth, pace, net-clearance, disguise, inside out and inside in shots, drop shots, topspin lobs, overheads from anywhere on the court, angle volleys, low volleys at one's feet, etc.

Players who learn mediocre form tend to hit very mono-directional or mono-varietal shots, resulting in less opportunity and less options.

Mahboob Khan

Hall of Fame
It's just about that simple, but this hits on many things that usually need work.
Nice post.

Nice to see your name Legend.

Now a days I am found more on USAToday comments columns. I felt that I wanted to work for the world's peace given the fact that our leaders are doing quite a lousy job because of their incompetence and corruption. However, it appears that no one listens!

For better technique (how to hit the ball) in addition to taking lessons, players may carefully examine the strokes of the top players on ATP and WTA tours. I have found that very very rewarding in terms of technical learning. It's all here: