Lead Tape


New User
Hi, i would like to customize my o3 white to be a lil heavier and considering using lead tape. i was just wondering if lead tape is removable, in the case that it is not to my liking


yes, it is removable. just make sure to clean up the residue it leaves so there isn't any of that little weight on it.


not only is it removable but it is also reusable. you can stick it on and off multiple times until the backing runs out of stick.


Hall of Fame
apart from online, where can one buy lead tapes.

If u want a real big piece of lead, u can go to a car-wheel rim shop where they have balancing weights for tires. A friend use that on the end of his racket (butt-cap) and it works well. It´s sticky as hell though!


New User
bought mine at sport chalet for 4 dollars for about a full ounce of 1/2 inch lead tape. worked out great. Lead tape by Gamma


New User
O! and yea, i ended up uping my racquet about .7 oz heavier. its now 12.3 oz strung, and i made sure balance was kept normal (around 8 points hl). so yea, i put layers at 3 and 9 , 6, and on the handle. works out great! thanks you guys