Looking for a new racquet

So I'm looking for a new racquet that gives me a little more spin then my current Babolat Pure Storm Tour (with lead tape at 3 and 9 making it 13 oz) that I've been playing with for a year and a half. I'm 16 and I'm an aggressive base line player with a decently powerful topspin serve. About a year ago I demoed a couple of racquets and I really liked the Wilson BLX Pro Staff 90. Im looking for some suggestions of other racquets to try. Any ideas?

fuzz nation

No argument against using what you like. If you get a good fit with the Wilson 90, be careful to not second guess yourself too much.

Not many frames will give you a similar ride to your tuned Storm, at least in their stock layout, so you'll probably need to have some lead handy to dial in a lot of the options out there. The Wilson Six.One 95 could be an interesting demo - it has a little heft and some backbone to it, but should offer a bit of a contrast to the 90 with its different hoop size.

I'm really big on Volkl, but I don't know what to point out among their gear aside from maybe the two mids they currently offer. I'm using their Organix 10 325g, but I had to tune mine into a heavier, more stable layout to really make them come alive. The stock version of this frame is sort of a dud, but once leaded up to around 12.5 oz., it seemed to become an entirely different animal. Plenty of power and control after tuning, but I also get ALL the spin now that I didn't have with my previous Volkl, the C10.

Haven't tried the current racquets offered by Yonex, but you might be smart to research their offerings and try something out.