Nadal reports to Federer


But since they swapped rankings had the relationship changed? "No, he's still treating me with respect, I don't feel he's looking down on me in any way. I'm the president of the players' council, so in fact I'm looking down on him, he has to report to me…no, I'm just kidding."

Isn't Nadal the vice president?


I have to say there was a hint of arrogance about it

I'm a fed fan of course

Rafa is the worlds best player now, and to be the best you have to beat the best- and thats something that seems more and more unlikely. hopefully Rog can do that in 09


Why are you pretending to be Federer in numerous threads? Its obvious you are not. First off, Federer wouldn't put #1 in his username, and second he wouldn't put quotes around 'I' every time he uses it to refer to himself.

lol let him pretend, maybe he'll try to walk into the AO in 09 and play against federers first round opponent.