NTRP Rating of Pro's


Just a question about what the usual NTRP of a pro would be. A guy who plays at my club (He's I think around 18 or 19) is a solid 5.5. He is trying to go pro right now, and that brought up a question. What would a top 100 level pro be NTRP? Around a 6.0? And how would a 5.0 do against a pro player? Didn't really know where else to post this question.


Just a question about what the usual NTRP of a pro would be. A guy who plays at my club (He's I think around 18 or 19) is a solid 5.5. He is trying to go pro right now, and that brought up a question. What would a top 100 level pro be NTRP? Around a 6.0? And how would a 5.0 do against a pro player? Didn't really know where else to post this question.

According to the NTRP system, a touring pro is a 7.0. A 5.0 probably couldn't get a point against a touring pro.


He would probably have some measure if success, as long as he drew Peter Polansky in some first rounds.


That's one point more than the #2 got against the #4 in the last set they played, so that's not too shabby.


That's one point more than the #2 got against the #4 in the last set they played, so that's not too shabby.

I didn't get to watch the match, but are you being serious? I find it insane that Nadal would go six games and not win more than four points.

Nevermind. Just saw the other thread. D: