Overgrips better than Tourna original?


New User

I would like to know if there are any overgrips out there better than Tourna original. In the general stores around here like Wal-Mart, the best grip I have used so far is Tourna. How are Yonex Super Grap, Wilson Pro Overgrip, and Tournagrip High Tak compared to Tourna original? And feel free to recommend me other overgrips you feel I would like over Tourna original. What stores should carry these grips?

Thanks in advance
yonex and wilson don't really feel anything like tourna in my opinion, tourna is very absorbant, yonex and wilson are both more tacky with a sort of rubbery feel i guess.


New User
IMO, Yonex SuperGrap and Wilson Pro Overgrip are the two best grips out there. I used to only use tourna, but then I switched to Yonex and Wilson (they are A LOT alike) and I like them alot better.


What are you looking for in a grip?

I like tacky and Yonex supergrap and Gamma supreme work for me. If you are looking for absorbant, tournagrip works better although there are tons of grips also in this category you could choose from. Since overgrips are pretty cheap I would just go try out a bunch if different ones.


Hall of Fame
the high tak feels awesome. really thin and clothy. however it starts shredding a bit only after day or two. even less durability than normal tourna grip.


New User
Speaking of Tourna, I just put on Tourna original today, and it is pretty ripped up after probably only one hour of play. I used Tourna before and it was definitely not so torn up after so little play. The difference this time is that I got the grey color and it has been in my bag for months. What do you think happened with this Tourna original overgrip today? I'll definitely seek out some tackier and durable grips.