

I've been able to change my serve to a continental grip, both FH and BH volleys to continental for more drive/depth, but my overheads always end up in a semi-western grip.

Is it necessary to switch grips for this? While I'd save a little bit of time if I had a universal grip for volleying and overheads, I figure if it's a lob or floating I won't need that time difference to smash it for a winner. I haven't had any problems so far with my SW grip on overheads, and the results are fine with me.

Of course, I'm willing to change if a continental grip would make my smashes/overheads harder to get or better in general situations.

Thanks for any responses.


Talk Tennis Guru
Meat said:
I've been able to change my serve to a continental grip, both FH and BH volleys to continental for more drive/depth

use same for overheads. you shouldn't have to switch grips at the net.


USCFan - I'm not sure if you're supposed to break your wrist, but I've experienced no pain or problems from two years with an SW grip.

Thanks for both replies though, I certainly don't want wrist problems in the future. I'll try it.


Hall of Fame
Advanced players (4.5+) should, not always, but should consider using the backhand grip. because instead of smashing it flat, you can slice it to keep it in and kicking. and if the ball is behind you, continental grip wont help either, thats when the backhand grip comes in baby! slice that sucker like a kick serve. but a very dangerous shot however so do not try this at home... jk

steve s

Meat I have the same problem. I have been working on pronating the arm.
Its still a work in progress.


Yes, there is a universal grip for volleys and overheads. The contential grip. As Marius said, "you shouldn't have to switch grips at the net."