Playtesters: Is the Yonex AI 100 a reasonable choice for TE ?


New User
I"m putting together my foursome for demo. I need a TE friendly stick with some pop. I've had to give up on really heavy stick's. They wear me out.

I have selected a ProKennex, a Volkl, and a Prince (Tour 100). In other words the old standards. Unfortunately, I've seldom seen a Yonex recommended for TE
and never the AI 100. In the TW review the AI 100 got an 85 for comfort ( just like the Volkl V1 MP. Is It possible for a high comfort score on a racquet that's not arm friendly?)

TW Staff


I talked to one our playtester, Jason, who has had tennis elbow issues in the past and is a fan of the Yonex Ai 100. He thinks that the racquet is probably not the best choice for tennis elbow as it is a little on the stiffer side. As far as the high score on the review, the score can vary based on the playtesters. I think the Volkl, ProKennex, and Prince would be great options.

Brittany, TW