Anyone have any good recommendations for a chronic string breaker. Here's the deal...
I just started stringing rackets for a friend of a friend. He is constantly breaking strings within several hours of playing. His basic setup is Head i.S1, PSGD17@56#, hits spin on everything and had a nasty case of TE about a year ago. Everytime I inspect his broken strings, there are deep cuts in the mains. So it looks like he's getting too much string movement. I just started stringing his rackets so I thought it was me but my friend says he's been doing this for as long as he's been playing. I'd like to recommend a poly but I'd feel awful if his TE came back. Any suggestions are appreciated.
I just started stringing rackets for a friend of a friend. He is constantly breaking strings within several hours of playing. His basic setup is Head i.S1, PSGD17@56#, hits spin on everything and had a nasty case of TE about a year ago. Everytime I inspect his broken strings, there are deep cuts in the mains. So it looks like he's getting too much string movement. I just started stringing his rackets so I thought it was me but my friend says he's been doing this for as long as he's been playing. I'd like to recommend a poly but I'd feel awful if his TE came back. Any suggestions are appreciated.