Power Tips


Hall of Fame
Firstly I wasn't sure whether to post this in here or in Health and Fitness. This is an article entitled "Ace Power Tips" in a short Sports Magazine. Basically this has small easy excercise's which are geared towards an easy improvement in power.

Core Stability
Why? Back Injuries are common in tennis,often resulting from strength imbalances and a weak core. Ensuring you have good core stability is crucial to avoiding back problems,whatever level you play at.
How? Russian Twist.
Sit down and secure your feet:put them under something or get a partner to hold them. Lean back slightly,keeping your back straight, and clasp hands in front of you,arms extended. Keeping your arms extended,rotate you trunk from side to side-10 reps on each side,take a minutes rest and repeat.
Advanced As above, but holding a medicine ball for added difficulty.

Quad Power
Why? Leg strength is crucial for a tennis player-it enables you to move swiftly around the court and generates a lot of power while serving or rallying
How? Prisoner Squat
Beginners Stand with feet hip to shoulder width apart, hands behind head. Squat like you are going to sit in a chair:back straight,chest up and weight on your heels.Keep quadriceps and buttocks tight,and press heels into the floor to push back up to starting position. Repeat 10 times for two sets,with one minute rest between sets.
Advanced Hold a dumbell with both hands while executing a squat.

Body Conditioning
Why? Tennis requires strength,power and endurance-specifically muscular endurance-to ensure you last the distance of every match
How? Burpees
Beginners Stand with feet shoulder width apart.Drop into a squat,with hands outside and slightly in front of legs. Kick feet back,do a press-up and return feet to squat position. Return to starting point. Contine for 30 seconds
Advanced When standing up at the end of a rep,explode into a jump.

Upper Body Strength
Why? Strength boosts power-big groundstrokes require big guns.
How? Press-Ups
Beginners Lay face down with hands slightly than shoulders and legs extended. Keep body in a straight line, and lower yourself until forearms are 90 degrees to your torso,then push up. Repeat 12 to 15 times.
Advanced Lower yourself, and then powerfully push up so hands leave floor.

Achilles Cover
Why? Strong calves help to prevent Achilles injuries and improve your explosiveness on the court
How? Pogo Jumps
Beginners Stand with feet hip width apart. Jump up without bending knees. Keep body straight and don't use your arms.Land on balls of your feet,don't let heels touch down. Try 50 in 20 seconds.
Advanced Increase Time and Quantity

Now to some these excercise's may seem trivial but I will certainly be trying these and sticking to the religiously. Who knows these might end up working a treat.
Thanks to "Sport" www.myfreesport.co.uk


Tim Tennis

Hello Johnny,

Those sound like some great basic exercises. I think I do must of them in one form or another to some extent.

Best regards,



Hall of Fame
Abs. Body turn will give more racquet head speed and much more power.

Hahah, thanks but I wasn't asking lol. I'm creating a decent amount atm by creating a large body turn. These are excercise's that I thought I should post incase anyone wants to know them. Everyone can improve.