Roddick with a new Girl


Just to branch off of the previous discussion, I'm glad he got a new girl. Mandy was nice, but I don't know...99% of girls who are intertwined with Hollywood, well, let it go to their heads. I hope Roddick found a nice, quieter girl, who's a good listener and will be able to be with him more frequently...if that's her, then I know he'll be happy (least, I would be ;-) )


I got the inside story on his new girlfriend this weekend while I was in Texas. Seems Andy hired a guy in Austin he'd gotten to be friendly with to be his physical trainer.

Guy had girlfriend.

Andy like girlfriend.

Guy catch Andy fooling around with girlfriend.

Guy no longer in Andy's employ.

Seems Andy want to do the right thing, it's just what he wants gets in the way. It's a cunumdrum wrapped in an engima.


So you are telling me that Andy ran off with Doug Spreen's girlfriend? Doug is his physical trainer.

Things are getting more interesting.

The blonde who was cheering wildly for him in Miami is named Lauren Bedford. She's an Elite model, very beautiful, and supposedly a friend from high school. She also is dating or used to date a pro golfer named Ty Tryon.

Perhaps she's not the girl-that-Andy-stole-from-physical-trainer girl, though.

It's all too confusing for me. :lol:


Could be, from what I was told, this all happened about 6 weeks ago. In the high flying world of professional tennis, that could be considered a lifetime.

And, doing a little thinking, messing around with probably doesn't translate to girlfriend who gets invited to the NASDAQ. Anyway, the guy who told me this is from Houston where the guy was from, and has returned to since the falling out with Andy in Austin. He may also have gotten the title wrong, who knows.


Roddick dumped her because he didn't want to become entangled with the media and lose sight of his tennis goals or something. So is that bedford girl his new girlfriend? And why would Spreen be going out with some young girl that Roddick wanted? Isn't Spreen like 35+ or something?


Moore dumped him because the reality show didn't come off and her agent said the #2 or 3 player in the world on your arm won't sell records. Feel free to post a polically correct lie to paper over the ending of the "romance."



My girlfriends name is Lauren, he's made a good choice!!!!

I know Ty Tryon the golfer, he's rubbish.

All I can say about this new girls is that she's nothing compared to Carla Coria :wink:


Kevin Hawk

New User
That would be her on the right.



No wonder her and Ty split up, I mean who wouldn't dump somebody if they had a man behind them doing what they are doing in that pic on the left!!!!!!
