TRY to understand. Allowing something is not encouraging something.
"and all sports descend from war". That is SO true. And you're stupid for saying it sarcastically. Boxing, probably the most war-like sport, if you can call it a sport, ironically, you learn to EVADE a TENNIS ball. Shouldn't TENNIS players learn to evade a tennis ball?
So you are suggesting that as the reflexes slow with age, players should just quite playing tennis because of these lack of evasion skills. Sorry pops, it's pickleball for you. Can't dodge the head hunters any more.
In the end if I have to resort to drop serving and head hunting old guys with bad knees in order to win a tennis match, I'd never be able to look myself in the mirror at night. It's weaksauce. Beat them with serves to the corners, good passing shots and overheads at their feet.
You too will be older someday and realize it's not such a bad thing to play tennis with nice folks that will not abuse your handicaps.