Specific question about rotator cuff exercises

After injuring my ac joint which required surgery I am paying close attention to the health of my shoulder. I do simple rotator cuff exercises that anyone can find online.

When I'm through playing tennis my shoulder is often sore the next day where the "decelerator" rotator cuff muscles are found. In other words the back of the shoulder. It's not from serving so much as it is from deceleraing my ww forehand.

I haven't seen any recommendation to work the rotator cuff muscles in the opposite direction of the ww forehand. I would like to do this, but would like to see if it's recommended by reputable sources first.

Imagine standing and holding a dumbbell in your right hand elbow bent at 90deg and dumbell facing forward. Kind of like the bench press position or you're about to punch someone. Then roll the dumbbell like a ww followthrough and back again.

Anyone do exercised like this???

Any advice appreciated


Absolutely. But don't use too much weight. For example, I hold a one or two pound soft weight and retrace the exact movement of a ww forehand forward and backward several times. Ditto with the service motion, 1htsbh and overhead with baseball throws mixed in. This is working really well for me, relieving soreness after tennis.


Hall of Fame
I really like exercise bands for rotator cuff work, more than dumb bells, because of more contact resistance