Spencer's "Sale" backgrounds: Time to upscale


In addition to the clearance items not being cheap enough, why is Spencer getting stuck in what appear to be police interrogation rooms to do his clearance vids? Chris's "people" always ensure that their man is depicted on a court, doing something physically active, or at the very least under some golden CA sun. Spencer? -- the only thing that's missing is a metal table with attached handcuff, a swinging overhead lamp, and a dirty ashtray. Let the man do his thing outside at least.

That said, keep up the good.

TW Staff

In addition to the clearance items not being cheap enough, why is Spencer getting stuck in what appear to be police interrogation rooms to do his clearance vids? Chris's "people" always ensure that their man is depicted on a court, doing something physically active, or at the very least under some golden CA sun. Spencer? -- the only thing that's missing is a metal table with attached handcuff, a swinging overhead lamp, and a dirty ashtray. Let the man do his thing outside at least.

That said, keep up the good.

Lol. I'll pass this along to the video editor.....

It would be nice to see the sun sometime;)

Thanks for the input.

Spencer, TW.


Adjunct Moderator
Or at the very least, at least put the guy into a police interrogation room. COME ON!

That would be an entertaining clearance vlog, actually.


Adjunct Moderator
If the guy doesn't talk, smack him with a clearance racquet.

"OK MAN! I'LL TALK! You just knocked $89.99 of sense into me"