switching serving grip


New User
I usually serve using my forehand grip which is extremely bad. I've been trying to do the Continental (handshake) grip when serving but i always just end up having an extreme slice. Any tips on changing grips im not used to?

The Gorilla

build up to it slowly, rotate it closer to the continental but not so much that it feels innatural to you, once you've gotten used to it rotate it some more till you've arrived at the continental.


Such a drastic change to the serve can be awkward at first, but the grip change you made won't take long to get accustomed to. Basically, start slow by doing many dry swings with the racquet face more open (say 40 degrees); hold the racquet stationary above your head in the hit position to help reinforce the feel of a more open racquet face; then get your ball hopper and hit some slow/easy serves focusing on hitting more flat and not worry about accuracy and consistency for now.


New User
if its slicing bad you are swiping it to the side too much you need to attack the ball and finish your follow through...my advice watch a good server(Gonzo is one of my favorites) and watch his serve

Mahboob Khan

Hall of Fame
If you look at your racket handle it has 8 panels. Count from the top (clockwise) and you will find 8 panels. The top panel is number 1, and so on. You said you have shifted to continental (handshake) grip for serving. In a hand shake grip the base knuckle of the index finger is on panel 3 (the flat right side panel) and this is called Eastern Forehand Grip. No wonder that you are slicing the ball because that's what happens with forehand grip. Generally, those players who have extreme western grips for forehand, when they shift their grip for the serve, think that they are serving with continental grip; but the reality is that they serve with Eastern FH grip!!! Because it is a long way from panel 5 to panel 2 for your hand to move!

The service grip is continental grip (the base knuckle of the index finger is on panel 2 or upper part of panel 2 (the panel between 1 and 3). As you hit you pronate so that strings are lined up with the ball.

What is pronation? When the wrist-forearm rotate anti-clockwise!


When I switched my serving grip, I was jamming my shoulder on every serve for a good month before I started to feel comfortable with the continental grip.


Hall of Fame
dribble with the ball w/ continental. This helps your wrist get used to the change w/o serving.