Vic Braden Tennisone video: hit from knee level, which knee


Vic Braden mentioned in the video, the number 1 problem of club player in his "60 years" of teaching tennis is not starting the stroke low enough.

He showed clip of Federer/ Clister backhand. Mentioned how they hit their backhand from knee level.

He did not mention which knee. But looking at the skeletal movement of Federer, it looks like it is his back knee level.

So bend your leg, and hit from the back leg knee level?


He did not mention which knee. But looking at the skeletal movement of Federer, it looks like it is his back knee level.

So bend your leg, and hit from the back leg knee level?

Thanks for the video lesson. Braden says that the racquet need to pass around your knees level in order to hit the ball at your waist level. It seems to me that it does not matter which knee.