wrist/doctor problem


New User
Need some help from the more informed among you. last few weeks ive been experiencing some quite severe pain on the bottom of my wrist (in line with my little finger, inner wrist). it hurts to even turn my wrist so my palm faces up. teh general consensus ive read on here is, you experience pain, stop playing until pain is gone. slowly build back up... went to the doc expecting similar advice and he told me that the problem was caused by that part of my body not used to the amount of activity i was putting it through, and that i should carry on playing until it sorts itself out, and gave me a prescription for some anti-inflamatories!

What should i do?


My first reaction would be to follow your doctors advice. The pain you describe is in the area of Carpel Tunnel Syndrome. But if you doc tells you it's inflamation, hopefully he's examined the area, taken x-rays and is giving you good, informed advice.